Videos in Criminal Behavior.

Note: this site is not giving legal advice, simply organizing information from various classes and texts. If you need legal advice consult your lawyer.
Text book:
Criminal Investigation

Buy 'The Body in Question: Exploring the Cutting Edge of Forensic Science'

(7th Edition)
by Wayne W. Bennett.

Also see:
notes on
The Body in Question

Contents of Criminal Investigation:
  1. Criminal Investigation: An Overview.
  2. Documenting the Scene: Note Taking, Photography and Sketching.
  3. Searches.
  4. Forensics/Physical Evidence.
  5. Obtaining Information.
  6. Identifying and Arresting Suspects.
  7. Death Investigations.
  8. Assault, Domestic Violence, Stalking and Elder Abuse.
  9. Sex Offenses.
  10. Crimes against Children.
  11. Robbery.
  12. Burglary.
  13. Larceny/Theft, Fraud, White Collar Crime and Environmental Crime.
  14. Motor Vehicle Theft.
  15. Arson.
  16. Computer Crime.
  17. Organized Crime, Bias/Hate Crime and Ritualistic Crime.
  18. Gang Related Crime.
  19. Illegal Drugs and Terrorism.
  20. Writing the Reports, Preparing for and Presenting Cases in Court.

Videos in Criminal Behavior

Assigned Videos

Ed Kemper, 'charming' serial killer & psychopath (Feb 9th)

"Career Criminals" in support of Classical School (Feb 16th)

Video (BBC) "In the Genes" in support of Positive School (Feb 21st)

Video "Last Resort" about tough love and behavior modification schools for delinquents (March 9th)

Video (NBC) "Failing to learn, learning to fail" about Learning Disabilities (March 23rd)

Video (Oprah Winfrey) "Scared Silent" about Child Abuse (March 30th)

Video "Breaking the Silence" about Child Abuse (April 4th). Notes based on those of Krystle Corkrean.


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