Readings in Criminal Behavior.

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Text book:
Criminal Investigation

Buy 'The Body in Question: Exploring the Cutting Edge of Forensic Science'

(7th Edition)
by Wayne W. Bennett.

Also see:
notes on
The Body in Question

Contents of Criminal Investigation:
  1. Criminal Investigation: An Overview.
  2. Documenting the Scene: Note Taking, Photography and Sketching.
  3. Searches.
  4. Forensics/Physical Evidence.
  5. Obtaining Information.
  6. Identifying and Arresting Suspects.
  7. Death Investigations.
  8. Assault, Domestic Violence, Stalking and Elder Abuse.
  9. Sex Offenses.
  10. Crimes against Children.
  11. Robbery.
  12. Burglary.
  13. Larceny/Theft, Fraud, White Collar Crime and Environmental Crime.
  14. Motor Vehicle Theft.
  15. Arson.
  16. Computer Crime.
  17. Organized Crime, Bias/Hate Crime and Ritualistic Crime.
  18. Gang Related Crime.
  19. Illegal Drugs and Terrorism.
  20. Writing the Reports, Preparing for and Presenting Cases in Court.

Readings in Criminal Behavior

Assigned Readings

Volume #1: Section (1) on Home Environment

  1. "Kids: TV preaches sex, lying, violence." Mercury News Wire Services. Date unspecified.

  2. "Why kids kill," by Gina Boubion. Mercury News. Date unspecified.

  3. "Sociologists who proved juvenile delinquency can be predicted." Source and date unspecified.

  4. "Your child's brain," by Sharon Begley. Newsweek. Date unspecified.

  5. "Latchkey kids," web page with dates of authorship and retrieval unspecified.

Volume #1: Section (2) on Child Abuse

  1. "Facts about child abuse and assault," (3 pp.) Source and year unspecified.

  2. "How we can fight child abuse," by Andrew Vachss. Parade Magazine (August 20, 1989).

  3. Effects of child abuse called serious, lasting," by Richard Emanuel, S.C. Sentinel. Year unspecified.

  4. "Today's abused child could be tomorrow's predator," by Andrew Vachss. Parade Magazine (June 3, 1990).

  5. "Who are the child abusers?" Source and year unspecified.

  6. "Policy on abusive parents attacked," by Mike Cassidy. Mercury News. Year unspecified. (3 pp.)

Volume #2: Section (1) on Learning Disabilities.

  1. Helping learning-disabled children," Julian Haber. Good Housekeeping, September 1989.

  2. "Definitions and characteristics of hidden learning disabilities."

Volume #2: Section (2) on Fatherhood and Parenting.

  1. "Kids of absent fathers are more at risk." Melinda Sacks, San Jose Mercury News. Date unspecified.

  2. "Where's daddy?" Nancy Weaver. McClatchy News Service. No date.

  3. For the child's sake, bring back the orphanages."

  4. "How to manage your kids."

  5. "'YOU' messages versus 'I' messages."

  6. "Schools learn to cope with crack babies."

  7. "'Crack babies' catch up."

Volume #2: Section (3) on Genetics

  1. "Are criminals made or born?"

  2. "The big thrill (biogenic thrill-seeker personalities)."


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