Books read recently by J. Zimmerman.

Reader's Bill of Rights [after Daniel Pennac in Better than Life from November 2003 Utne Magazine] includes the rights to:

{ June (junio (see also books on Spanish)) 2007 }


(6.29.2007) (6.28.2007) (6.27.2007) (6.26.2007) (6.25.2007) (6.24.2007) (6.23.2007) (6.21.2007) (6.20.2007) (6.19.2007) (6.17.2007) (6.14.2007) (6.11.2007)



Day Aphorism How to apply the aphorism to your life
June 10 "Being present is not difficult; remembering to be present is." "When you finish reading these words, stop where you are and be aware of what is happening to your body, of the sensations of breath, of the noises around you. Can you bring this quality of awareness to all that you do? It is not a hard process but one that is overcome by busy mind again and again. Remember to practice this exercise whenever you can."

(6.5.2007) (6.3.2007) (6.1.2007)

{ May (mayo (see also books on Spanish)) 2007 }


(5.28.2007) Memorial Day in the U.S.A. and Whit Monday in Christian countries.
Time to let go a few books identified perhaps by:
SELECT title FROM book_titles WHERE years_since_last_referenced > 5;
(5.24.2007) (5.23.2007) (5.22.2007) (5.21.2007) (5.19.2007) (5.16.2007) (5.15.2007) (5.12.2007) (5.10.2007) (5.9.2007) (5.7.2007) (5.6.2007) (5.5.2007) (5.4.2007) (5.3.2007) (5.2.2007) (5.1.2007)

{ April (abril (see also books on Spanish)) 2007 }




(4.20.2007) (4.18.2007) (4.17.2007)


Day Aphorism How to apply the aphorism to your life
April 17 "Shifting and giving in are not the same thing." "Today when you feel pressured to make a different choice in some small thing, focus on the other person's point of view. If you can, shift to his point of view. This is not the same as giving in. Shifting your viewpoint requires strength; giving in comes from fear."


(4.13.2007) (4.10.2007) (4.9.2007) (4.7.2007) (4.5.2007) (4.4.2007) (4.2.2007)