Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication
by Adrian Akmajian et al.

Language and Linguistics books

Chapters of Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication

A fascinating and readable text book by by Adrian Akmajian et al.

Part 1: The Structure of Human Language.


  1. What is linguistics?
  2. Morphology: the structure of words.
  3. Phonetics and phonemic transcription.
  4. Phonology: the study of sound structure.
  5. Syntax: the study of sentence structure.
  6. Semantics: the study of linguistic meaning.
  7. Language variation.
  8. Language change.

Part 2: Communication and Cognitive Science.


  1. Pragmatics: The study of language use and communication.
  2. Psychology of language: speech production and comprehension.
  3. Language aquisition in children.
  4. Language and the brain.

Concludes with:

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