Tintin: The Complete Companion
for Hergé (author and illustrator).
Written by Michael Farr.
Reviewed by J. Zimmerman

'Tintin: La oreja rota' Buy 'Tintin: The Complete Companion' Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Tintin and Hergé

The Belgian author and artist Hergé:

The beloved Tintin travels the world on adventures of action, mystery, and delight. Tintin, modeled on Hergé's brother, has the innocent affect of a perpetual boy scout. He works as an extraordinary reporter: note that Michael Farr also has worked as a reporter (for Reuters and then the Daily Telegraph) and traveled around the world, so Farr may feel some identification with Tintin. Tintin also works as a brave and honest free-lance sleuth, somewhat as Farr investigates the background behind each of the Tintin books.

Tintin's companions include:

Tintin, The Complete Companion

'Tintin: La oreja rota'
Tintin: La oreja rota
Buy 'Tintin: The Complete Companion'
Tintin: The Complete Companion
'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Michael Farr's Tintin, The Complete Companion

Michael Farr enthuses over the creation process of each Tintin book, revealing many insights of Hergé's process in making and documenting his masterpieces.

Was Hergé a Nazi Collaborator?

The book addresses briefly the issue of collaboration by Hergé, who worked for a Nazi-oriented newspaper during the occupation of Belgium:

Is it reasonable to discredit Hergé with racism and bigotry?

Time and again, Hergé depicts non-whites with stereotypic negative characteristics, only to claim innocence and surprise when these issues are pointed out and to make the changes necessary to satisfy his intended market.

The Art of the Tintin Books

The Tintin Books

See lists: