Dr. James L. Aroyan
Consulting Physicist
Providing specialized services in:
- Multi-physics finite element analysis (FEA).
- Electrical / mechanical / acoustical device modeling
and optimization.
- 2D/3D acoustic, ultrasonic, and electromagnetic
field simulation.
- Electro-mechanical transducer design and optimization.
- Custom parametric design codes generating CAD drawing
- Resistive, acoustic, and capacitive computer touchscreen
- Custom simulation and numerical analysis programs.
- Mapping of thin-film electrical surface resistivity
- Modeling of marine mammal biosonar and hearing.
- Modeling of biological tissue properties.
JRJ Simulation & Design provides consulting
services in several areas to Silicon Valley technology companies.
JRJ utilizes a variety of tools to solve 2D/3D acoustic, ultrasonic,
and electro-mechanical design and design optimization problems.
These tools include industry-standard design and simulation packages
(e.g., PZFlex, ANSYS/Multi-Physics, ZEMAX®, AutoCAD®,
MATLAB®) as well as custom wave propagation codes developed
for optical and acoustic modeling applications. Some simple computational
modeling examples are provided here.
Brief descriptions and PDF files of bioacoustic modeling research
can be viewed here. For contact and
additional information, please click here.
PZFlex is a registered
trademark of Weidlinger Associates, Inc.
ANSYS/Multi-Physics is a registered trademark of ANSYS, Inc.
ZEMAX® is a registered trademark of Focus Software, Inc.
AutoCAD® is a registered trademark of Autodesk, Inc.
MATLAB® is a registered trademark of The MathWorks, Inc.
JRJ | Modeling
Examples | Bioacoustic Modeling
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