Books read recently by J. Zimmerman.

Reader's Bill of Rights [after Daniel Pennac in Better than Life from November 2003 Utne Magazine] includes the rights to:

{ June : junio (see also books on learning Spanish) 2009 }


(6.29.2009) (6.28.2009) (6.27.2009) (6.26.2009) (6.25.2009) (6.23.2009) (6.20.2009) (6.16.2009) (6.14.2009) (6.12.2009) (6.10.2009) (6.8.2009) (6.7.2009) (6.6.2009)
(6.4.2009) (6.3.2009)

{ May : mayo (see also books on learning Spanish) 2009 }


(5.30.2009) (5.29.2009)

(5.26.2009) Day 17 of Poetry of the Heart Course.


(5.17.2009) (5.21.2009) Day 16 of Poetry of the Heart Course. (5.20.2009)

(5.19.2009) Day 15 of Poetry of the Heart Course. (5.18.2009)

(5.16.2009) (5.15.2008) (5.14.2009) Day 14 of Poetry of the Heart Course. (5.13.2009)
(5.12.2009) (5.11.2009)
(5.10.2009) (5.9.2009) (5.8.2009)

(5.7.2009) Day 12 of Poetry of the Heart Course.

For this session, read John Ford's Revenge Tragedy Tis Pity She's A Whore (1633); think camp-violence-mania. (5.6.2009)

(5.5.2009) Day 11 of Poetry of the Heart Course. (5.4.2009)


(5.2.2009) (5.1.2009)

{ April : abril (see also books on learning Spanish) 2009 }


(4.28.2009) Day 9 of Poetry of the Heart Course. (4.27.2009)




(4.21.2009) Day 7 of Poetry of the Heart Course. (4.20.2009)


(4.18.2009) (4.17.2009)

(4.16.2009) Day 6 of Poetry of the Heart Course. (4.15.2009) INCOME TAX DAY, SIGH. (4.14.2009) Day 5 of Poetry of the Heart Course. (4.12.2009)

(4.11.2009) (4.10.2009)

(4.9.2009) Day 4 of Poetry of the Heart Course. (4.8.2009)

(4.7.2009) Day 3 of Poetry of the Heart Course. (4.6.2009)




