Here's my brand new web page featuring Sierra's Quest for Glory series, one of the very few dedicated primarily to thieves. But if you didn't come here searching for info on thieves, well, that's
ok. Because I've got all sorts of great QFG stuff here. But check out the
thief's page or live the rest of your life wondering what kind of adventures
you're missing (a hero's worst torture).
Currently, this page is under constant construction. So if you don't find what you're looking for, then send me an e-mail and check again in only a few days. There's a pretty good chance I'll have added it. And for those wondering why I use QFG2 graphics, it's cuz QFG2 IS THE BEST ONE! YEA!
New downloads and generally cool stuff now available - A QFG import maker has been created, and though it has a couple bugs, it looks pretty good. So go get the QFG Importer '95.
With the new map, I noticed things where beginning to load a little slow here on the main page, so I've decided to move the webrings from the bottom on to my links page. So, everyone following a webring, webrings are on the links page!
QUEST FOR GLORY V WALKTHROUGH <> BRAND NEW QFGV UHS FILE - These are why most of you people are coming to my page, to get your hands on one of these little guys. And so that you don't even have to go searching around for 'em, I've conveniently placed them right on my main page. Enjoy, you cheaters! j/k :)
For all you peoples that got super fast 450 mhz computers and are trying to play the old version of QFG 1 - I've finally found a copy of Turbo. It's easy to use, just download and run. It slows down your computer so that the game will be playable. Download it from the downloads/imports section, or right here : TURBO!! And here's MoSlo - basically a DOS version of Turbo.