America Online - the grandaddy, web searching, e-mail,
messaging web based service also available
WBS - over 2 million members, home pages, chat,
Xoom - free 5meg web page, community stuff
HotMail - free e-mail, adding buddy lists, news and
Excite - online service with free e-mail, chat, IM,
Infoseek - chat, IM, news, adding free e-mail
Yahoo! - one of the original, free e-mail, chat,
instant messaging, etc
Angelfire - free home pages, good tools for page
building, mail, etc
Tripod - home pages, chat, message boards
Switchboard - free e-mail, IM, more
WhoWhere - free e-mail, free personal home pages,
classifieds, etc
The Globe - chat, home pages, shopping
GeoCities - free e-mail, home pages, chat, search,
shopping, etc.
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