SCC NOW will be joining the 1997 Statewide Clothesline Project Display in conjunction with a conference on "Ending Violence Against Women" on Tuesday, April 3, at Cal State Northridge. It will be a day of self-empowerment, co-counseling, and self defense workshops. Topics also will include violence against women who are in especially vulnerable groups, legal and community action strategies and more.
For further conference information contact Jean Morrison (818) 315-4151 or Jan Cutts (619) 873-7065 or email Jan:
The Clothesline Project will be on display outside the conference meetings during the time of the conference so that students can see it and participate even if they cannot attend the conference itself.
~ Julie S.
The ad - which depicts the reaction of co-workers to a lesbian who is fired because of her sexual orientation - is designed to build support in Congress for the Employment Nondiscrimination Act, which would ban such discrimination nationwide.
Currently, 41 states do not have laws that prevent job discrimination based on sexual orientation.
"Social science affirms that a woman's place in society marks the level of civilization."
Campaign Components:
Visit the NOW Web site at
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world."
"What this administration believes is that if half the world's citizens are undervalued, underpaid, undereducated, under represented, fed less, fed worse, not heard, and put down, we cannot sustain the democratic values and way of life we have come to cherish."
You may have noticed that the chapter has been "on hold" for the past quarter. A combination of burnout and personal lives going in unpredicted directions has affected the chapter leadership. At this point, it appears the chapter is in need of either reorganization or of de-convening.
On April 17th, 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. in Aptos (call Diane L. at 662-9562 for directions) the topic of the chapter meeting will be "Re-visioning NOW." Please join us!
As you are undoubtedly aware, press attention recently has been focused on the remarks of Ron Fitzsimmons, executive director of the National Coalition of Abortion Providers, who said in a March 3rd article appearing in American Medical News that he "lied" previously. Fitzsimmons now states that the vast majority of D & X procedures are performed on healthy women with healthy fetuses that are 20 weeks or more along and that there are as many as 5,000 procedures done each year. Fitzsimmons has extended the smoke screen abortion opponents have been able to create as they attempt to undermine a woman's constitutional right to abortion. Under Roe v. Wade lawmakers may not restrict abortions in the 2nd trimester except in the interest of the woman's safety and may ban 3rd trimester abortions only if exceptions are made for the woman's life and health. By talking about "infanticide" and using diagrams of full-term, healthy fetuses, opponents are purposely focusing debate on the 3rd trimester. But when they talk about the number of D & X procedures performed, they lump together estimates for both 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Mr. Fitzsimmons' remarks also gave a false impression that abortion rights supporters have been manipulating information.
Abortion rights opponents have been able to capitalize on the publicity over Fitzsimmons' comments and to stimulate momentum in Congress for passage of this dangerous bill. It is all part of a professionally orchestrated effort to discredit abortion rights organizations' information generally and to cloud legislators' thinking about the D & X ban in particular. Fundamentally, it does not matter how many of the procedures are performed -- if done in the 2nd trimester or if done to protect the life or health of the woman in the 3rd trimester, intact D & X is still guaranteed under Roe v. Wade.
D & X Abortion Background Information:
1) 3rd Trimester Abortions Generally. As stated in a previous NOW Issues Report, a 3rd trimester abortion is not a procedure undertaken lightly. Most involve wanted pregnancies that go tragically wrong when the woman's life or health is endangered or the fetus develops abnormalities incompatible with life. Mr. Fitzsimmons previously estimated 450 abortions were performed in the 3rd trimester; he now estimates more like 500 to 750, including all methods. An estimated 600 abortions a year are performed after 26 weeks, according to the Alan Guttmacher Institute.
2) Dilation and Extraction. This procedure (also sometimes called intact dilation and evacuation or D & E) is used in both 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. Fitzsimmons' new estimate of thousands of D & X procedures being done nationwide includes the second trimester, but that is not new information. And under Roe v. Wade, legislators cannot restrict 2nd trimester abortions except to protect a woman's safety. In fact, an Ohio court that recently struck down a state law banning the D & X procedure found that it is safer than other procedures. Fitzsimmons reportedly said on a Feb. 26 Nightline interview that was taped but never aired that, "We have no reservations, zero reservations about this procedure when it's performed. We have no reservations, no apologies." And later, "I'm adamant that this is a procedure that is a good procedure and should be kept out of Congress' rubric. I'm not backing away from that at all." 3) The "Partial Birth" Scam. This term is not a medical term, but a part of the exploitation by the religious and political extremists of a very painful time in women's lives. A particular procedure has been singled out by the right wing and has been misrepresented as a form of infanticide performed on Gerber babies. And now they would attempt to confuse legislators and the public over numbers. The fact remains this simple: 3rd trimester abortions are rare (less than four one-hundredths of one percent of all those performed) and performed only in tragic circumstances; dilation and extraction can be the safest choice among several techniques.
~ NOW Action Center Web Site
They're at it again! Local anti-choice misinformants have taken over the Aptos Library Community Information Space. Their display includes, among other thing, biblical verses and photographs promulgating their point of view.
Although the City/County Library System, as a "State" power must allow even mendacious speech to be presented in a public forum, we have responsibility as a society to speak out in response and to state what we believe to be acceptable or unacceptable.
A good action for this month (and other times, truth be told), would be to go down to your local library and see what is being presented in its community forum space. If you live near Aptos, there is a response book in which you can place your opinion.
In addition, you might call the library system and let them know that freedom of speech under the First Amendment does not allow the state to promote religion, which is what the Aptos Library Forum is doing.
Give us a call and let us know how your message was received.
~ Shannon S.
No "controversial issue advertising" to air during Ellen's coming-out episode.
The female chief executive of a Redwood City high-tech firm is the sole funder of an antidiscrimination TV ad that is scheduled to run on some ABC affiliates next month during an "Ellen" episode in which the show's lead character will reveal she's a lesbian.
Jessica Stevens, president and chief executive of Redwood City-based Telegen Corp., donated $225,000 to the Human Rights Campaign, which used the money to produce and air a public-service announcement, the Washington-based gay-rights group said this weekend.
The 30 second ad funded by Stevens, who is also a lesbian, seems to have stirred almost as much controversy as the sitcom episode.
The network and some of its biggest stations have turned down the national ad from the April 30 show, in which the title character, played by Ellen DeGeneres, announces her sexual orientation. In doing so, ABC Vice President Harvey Dzodin cited a policy not to accept "controversial issue advertising." Still, 29 ABC affiliates nationwide - including those in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Washington D.C., Denver and Phoenix - have agreed to run the spot, despite the network's reaction to it.
~ taken from the San Jose Mercury News 3/23/97
The local affiliate, KNTV, is NOT planning to run the ad. Call them at 286-1111 to suggest that they reconsider this decision.
~ Elizabeth Cady Stanton
The Women-Friendly Workplace Campaign is NOW's proactive project aimed at stopping sexual harassment and other workplace abuses. NOW has been active on workplace issues throughout our thirty-year history, from our successful efforts to end sex-segregated help-wanted ads to our current campaign to stop sexual and racial harassment at Mitsubishi Motors. The Women-Friendly Workplace Campaign puts a framework around all our efforts to end workplace discrimination and abuse and encourage employers to have family-friendly policies.
This is the right time to move forward with this campaign. From automobile assembly lines in Normal, Illinois to a stock brokerage firm in New York City -- from strawberry fields in Watsonville, California, to military training grounds in Aberdeen, Maryland -- women are facing unfair hurdles at work.
We know that harassment and abuse are ways to knock women and people of color out of the competition for higher-paying jobs. The Women-Friendly Workplace Campaign addresses problems in workplaces across the nation -- from factories to boardrooms to classrooms. This campaign gives consumers the organizing tool that they need to use their clout in the marketplace to demand women-friendly workplaces.
* Consumer's Pledge for individuals to sign, agreeing to support businesses that are women-friendly.
* Employer's Pledge that includes a promise to adhere to minimal standards for a Women-Friendly Workplace.
* Merchants of Shame -- those businesses that have bad track records when it comes to harassment, discrimination or assault in the workplace will be targeted for direct actions and consumer pressure campaigns. (see article on page 8)
* On-Line Speak-Out -- -- for women to share their experiences in unfriendly workplaces and their best strategies for fighting back.
* Tip Line -- 202-331-0066 x350 -- for women to call and have their experiences with workplace abuses heard and recorded. The Tip Line will help us target businesses for consumer pressure campaigns.
* Corporate Campaigns will be implemented to pressure businesses from the inside. We will lobby all corporate interests, from CEOs to shareholders, to make their workplaces women-friendly.
~ NOW Action Center Web Site
And please support these efforts by joining SCC NOW.
What's the "best kept secret" in women's healthcare today?
Emergency Contraception, also known as the morning-after pill or interception or postcoital contraception.
Emergency contraception pills (ECP) are for women who have experienced an act of unprotected sexual intercourse. The FDA, in an unprecedented action, recently approved the use of ECP. And ACOG, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, have issued guidelines on their use as well. Most women's health centers and student health centers have been using ECP for years, however, it was rarely used in most doctor's offices.
The above actions now sanction its use as an appropriate standard of care anywhere.
It is important to note that ECP is about 75-80% effective, which is less than regular contraception. ECP often causes nausea and vomiting and antinausea medication is often provided. However, some women experience nausea and vomiting even with the antinausea medication. Additionally, the woman's menstrual cycle will be affected. If the woman's period does not begin in about 3 weeks, a pregnancy test is warranted.
Why use ECP? To protect against unwanted pregnancy after unexpected unprotected sex, condom slippage or breakage, diaphragm slippage or if someone has forgotten too many birth control pills.
When to use ECP? Within 72 hours.
How to use ECP? ECP need to be acquired from your healthcare provider.
It is usually 4 tablets now (with food) and 4 tablets in 12 hours (with food) of certain birth control pills, including LoOvral, Nordette, or Levlen. The main mechanism by which it is believed to work is by changing the lining of the uterus to make it inhospitable to implantation.
Emergency contraception helps women (and insurance companies) save money by preventing abortion, ectopic pregnancy, and term pregnancy. It is one more way that women can have autonomy over our bodies and our lives.
~ Diane Lamotte, Pharmacist
~ Anne Frank
The Museum of Art & History presents "Women Behind the Camera: Five Renowned Filmmakers". For date & ticket info, call 408/429-1964.
Thanks to the generous support of "A Gay Evening in May", a new support group is forming for Lesbian & Bisexual parents of children pre-birth through young adult. This is a program of the Walnut Avenue Women's Center.
If you are interested in joining the Lesbi Mom's Group, call the Center at 426-3062.
Join the Sunday, April 13th, march in Watsonville to support the farmworkers in the strawberry fields in their struggle for basic rights and justice. The strawberry workers are fighting for clean drinking water, bathrooms in the fields, a living wage, health insurance, job security, and an end to sexual harassment. 5¢ per pint increase in the price of strawberries could provide safer working conditions. Please join SCCNOW marching in support of the 5¢ for fairness campaign. For info, call Sandy Silver 408/458-1200.
The City of Santa Cruz Commission for the Prevention of Violence Against Women presents its Spring '97 Women's Self-Defense courses. Call the Commission at 429-3546 for registration info.
Request for Proposals (RFP). The City of Santa Cruz Commission for the Prevention of Violence Against Women encourages and welcomes proposals from community groups, agencies, and individuals who are interested in providing violence-prevention education, outreach, intervention programs, and/or support services. Contact CPVAW Coordinator Laurie McWhorter at 408/429-3546 if you have questions, would like more information, or need other assistance. (Letter of Intent due April 7, 1997)
California NOW 1997 State Conference
April 25-27, 1997
Executive Inn, 2030 Arden Way
Sacramento CA 95825
For hotel reservation info, call 800/793-2030.
For Conference registration info, call 916/441-6443.
You are invited to attend the California NOW 1997 State Conference!
The California Chapter of the National Organization for Women is celebrating 25 years of Feminist Activism in California. On April 25-27, 1997, we will be holding our annual conference in Sacramento, CA. This is an election conference, so anyone who has been a member of California NOW for 60 days or more will have an opportunity to vote on both the leaders and the policies which will carry us through to the end of the 20th Century.
One of the primary goals of NOW is empowerment through involvement.
We recognize that it is only through the personal involvement of individuals that policies passed by our legislature can reflect our diverse culture. We ALL have to play a role in educating both our elected representatives and other voters regarding the impact of proposed legislation on different segments of our society. An individual person CAN make a difference - come to the NOW Conference and find out how!
~ Hillary Rodham Clinton, 03/12/97
Chapter member, mom, and leader of a local band, Satia, reports she continues to perform while entering her seventh month of pregnancy. Members who were present at 1995's Women's Equality Day event will remember Satia's outrageous stories about being a "girl guitar player" in the Rock 'N Roll Biz.
Satia reports a whole new level of commentary on her ability and the appropriateness of being a practicing "pregnant girl guitar player."
One wonders what all the hubbub is about. Is such assertiveness good for the fetus? Do pregnancy chemicals affect Satia's ability to play?
Will the baby's head come out flat from guitar pressure against Mom's belly? Can this society do anything more to treat pregnancy as an illness or Rock 'N Roll as a bad thing?
See for yourself-Satia will be playing at the Brookdale Lodge April 4 from 9:30 p.m.-1:30 a.m.
~ Shannon S.
Senator Barbara Boxer is leading the fight in the Congress against the ban on third trimester abortions. She needs letters of support. Call 202/224-3553 or write to Senator Barbara Boxer, US Senate, Hart Bldg #112, Washington DC 20510
Tell Senator Boxer to keep fighting against legislation that interferes in decision-making between a woman and her doctor regarding abortion.
Also contact your state legislators & urge them to oppose SB102 (Haynes) which would prohibit physicians from using specific procedures used in late term abortions (D&X) and would allow fathers & maternal grandparents to sue abortion providers.
Editor's Note:
The following is a letter sent out by a friend of mine. It is a very good example of what would be appropriate to send to Senator Boxer.
Please feel free to use this format or any one of your choosing. The important thing is to write to her or call her. In order for her to have any power on this issue in the Senate, she must show that there are many, many people/voters behind her. Thank you.
Dear Senator Boxer:
I am writing to let you know that you have my support in your efforts to combat restrictions on a woman's right to control her own body.
On reflection of the end motives behind the recent attempts to ban abortion procedures that are deemed too grisly, I conclude that this must be but step one in a multi-step process to ban abortions of all kinds.
Medical procedures are grisly. But having government officials (elected or otherwise) making decisions of what procedures are appropriate and what are not, is even more grisly.
Please stand firm on the issue of a woman's right to choose. I believe we are at an historical cross-roads where the individual's right to choose in MANY areas is being threatened. Standing firm here is only the beginning.
Please let me know if I can help.
(snail-mail address)
(city, state zip)
Sending a message will only take a couple of minutes & it will make a huge difference -
Cut, Paste and Edit this sample letter when you
or call: 202/224-3553
or write: Senator Barbara Boxer, US Senate,
Hart Bldg #112, Washington DC 20510.
17 SCCNOW Board Meeting, 6:00 pm*
17 SCCNOW General Meeting, 7:00 pm*
25-27 CA NOW Annual State Conference
* at Diane L's home, 662-9562
(not sponsored or endorsed by NOW)
01 April Fool's Day
04 Maya Angelou born-1928
06 Daylight Savings Time begins
07 World Health Day
13 WILPF "Unite with Labor" March, 458-1200
17 Dhu Al-hijah (Islamic)
22 Passover
22 Earth Day
25 Arbor Day
27 Coretta Scott King born - 1927
27 World Children's Day
29 WILPF founded, The Hague - 1915
30 Beltane (Wiccan & Pagan)
10 The Human Race. 423-0554
01 Pride March. 728-3988
Before you ask Smith Barney to manage your assets, listen to these sexual harassment and sex discrimination allegations:
26 women have filed a class action suit in federal court claiming sexual harassment and sex discrimination at Smith Barney. No more than 13% of the company's 11,000 brokers are women.
* Attorneys for the women plaintiffs allege only 5% of the firm's brokers are women. Only 8 of 390 Smith Barney branch managers are women.
* Attorneys for the women say they have received complaints about Smith Barney from as many as 100 women.
Branch Office Complaints from Coast to Coast
* Garden City, N.Y. -- A former branch manager allegedly brandished a gun and used vulgar sexist slurs. The same manager has been accused of furnishing a "Boom Boom Room" where he served male brokers bloody marys and they joked about sexual harassment complaints.
* Richmond, Va. -- Women workers charge that a branch manager told women workers at a Christmas party he would pay them $100 if they took off their shirts.
* Knoxville, Tenn. -- Allegedly, a branch manager would say of women in the office that "she needs a good (expletive) and I can give it to her."
* Kansas City, Kan. -- A woman claims that her branch manager failed to direct accounts from departing brokers to her, while routinely giving such accounts to younger, less experienced male brokers.
* Seattle, Wash. -- A woman states that she found her job was cut when she returned from maternity leave.
You Can Help!
Tell Smith Barney that sexual harassment and sex discrimination are bad for business! Contact Jamie Dimon, CEO, Smith Barney, 388 Greenwich Street, New York, NY 10013, 212/816-8800
* According to a Smith Barney spokesperson as reported in the Washington Post.
Join NOW's Women-Friendly Workplace Campaign. Please sign our Consumer's Pledge, available at .
~ NOW Action Center Web Site
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