Following is a list of the many pests that can afflict Brussels Sprouts and the tools used to control them. I owe a special thanks to my PCA, Kelley McCaig of Western Farm Service for compiling this information.


Nematodes: Both Root-Knot and Cyst nematodes

1,3 Dicloropropene, Metam Sodium, Fenamiphos




Fusarium Wilt-Metam Sodium

Verticillium Wilt- Metam Sodium

Phytophora Root Rot-Metam Sodium


Black Rot- non-known

Black Leg- non known

Downy Mildew- Maneb, Chlorothalonil

Ring Spot- Benomyl, Maneb, Chlorothalonil

Altenaria Leafspot- Chlorothalonil

Powdery Mildew- Sulfur, Benomyl



A variety of weeds wreak havoc in production, Bensulide, and DCPA are registered for control, but not widely used at this point.



Cabbage Aphid- Oxydemeton-methyl, Chlorpyrifos, Diazinon, Dimethoate, Disulfoton, Naled, Imidacloprid.

Green Peach Aphid- Naled, Imidacloprid, Dimethoate. Methamidophos, Endosulfan.

Cabbage Maggot- Chloropyrifos, Diazinon.

Cabbage Looper- Permethrin, Methamidophos, Naled

Diamond Back Moth- Permethrin, Methamidophos, Naled, Sevin, Methomyl, Endosulfan, Acephate, Azinphos-methyl, Bt.

Armyworms- Mehtomyl, Naled, Sevin, Bt


(All trade names used below are registered to their prospective manufacturers)

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Chlorpyrifos (trade name Lorsban)

Chlorpyrifos Use Subpart (B)

Foliar Applications


Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Benomyl

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Chlorothalonil (trade name Bravo)

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: DCPA

 Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Naled (trade name Dibrom)

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Dimethoate

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Disulfoton (trade name Disyston)

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Diazinon

Diazinon Use Subpart (B)

Foliar Applications


Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Diazinon

Diazinon Use Subpart (A)

Soil Applications


Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Azinphos methyl (trade name Guthion)

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Methomyl (trade name Lannate)

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Chlorpyrifos (trade name Lorsban Granular)

Chlorpyrifos Use Subpart (A)

Soil Applications

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Maneb

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Methamidophos (trade name Monitor)

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Oxydemeton-methyl (trade name MetaSystox R)

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Fenamiphos (trade name Nemacur)

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Acephate (trade name Orthene)

 Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: PCNB

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Permethrin (trade names Ambush & Pounce)

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Bensulide (trade name Prefar)

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Cabaryl (trade name Sevin)

Other Issues: For Diamond Back Moth control, their is currently a Sec 18 for the use of Success spinosad it has shown some promising results. This is completely new chemistry, and in order to preserve its efficacy, it should not be overused. Therefore; use of the other alternatives is important

 Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: 1,3-Dichloropropene (trade name Telone)

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Endosulfan trade name (Thiodan)

Pesticide Use Summary

Active Ingredient: Trifluralin (trade name Treflan)

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