Brief Bibliography
Books by Nick Herbert
- "Quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics"
Doubleday, New York (1985)
- "Faster Than Light: Superluminal Loopholes
in Physics" Dutton, New York (1988)
- "Elemental Mind: Human Consciousness
& the New Physics" Dutton, New York (1995)
- "Quantum Tantra: Quantum Physics as
Deep Union with Nature" (seeking publisher)
Articles by Nick Herbert
- "Cryptographic Approach to Hidden
Variables" American Journal of Physics Vol 43, 315 (1975) (early version
of "Nick's Proof")
- "A Field-limited Theory of Cascade
Development" (with Donald & Collins) IEEE Trans on Industrial Applications
Vol IA-13, 183 (1977)
- "Design of an Impulse Ink Jet"
(with Kyser & Collins) Journal of Applied Photographic Engineering Vol
7, 73 (1981)
- "How to be in Two Places at One Time"
New Scientist Vol 1522 ,41 (1986) ("Nick's Proof" with pictures)
- "How to Send Electrons Round the Twist" New Scientist Vol
1564, 37 (1987)
- "FLASH--A Superluminal Communicator
Based upon a New Type of Quantum Measurement" Foundations of Physics
Vol 12, 1171 (1982)
- "Can Single Quantum Events Carry Superluminal
Signals?" Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Vol 480, 578 (1986)
- "Werner Alone Has Looked on Reality
Bare: Proposal for a Really New "New Physics" Ars Electronica
1990--Virtual World p39-50 Veritas Verlag, Linz, Austria
- "Quantum Sex" Videotape distributed
by Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality 1523 Franklin Street
San Francisco, Ca 94109
Relevant Books/Articles by Others
- "On the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox"
John Bell Physics Vol 1, 195 (1964)
- "An Interfering Schroedinger's Cat"
Bedford & Wang Il Nuovo Cimento Vol 32B, 243 (1976)
- "The Self-Aware Universe" Amit
Goswami Tarcher-Putnam (1993)
- "A Single Quantum Cannot be Cloned"
Wooters & Zurek Nature Vol 299, 802 (1982)
- "Is a Photon Amplifier Always Polarization
Dependent?" Mandel Nature Vol 304, 188 (1983)
- "Quantum Profiles" Jeremy Bernstein
Princeton University Press (1991)
- "Bell's Theorem Without Inequalities"
Greenberger, Horne, Shimony & Zeilinger American Journal of Physics
Vol 58 p113122 (1990)
- "Mind Matter & Quantum Mechanics"
Henry Stapp Springer-Verlag New York (1993)
- "The Dancing Wu-Li Masters" Gary
Zukav William Murrow (1979)
- "The Upstart Spring: Esalen and the
American Awakening" Walter Anderson Addison-Wesley (1983)
- "Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth
in Human Personality" Frederick Perls, Ralph Hefferline & Paul
Goodman Julian Press (1962)
- "Infinity & the Mind: the Science
and Philosophy of the Infinite" Birhauser Boston (1982)
- "T.A.Z. The Temporary Autonomous Zone:
Ontological Anarchy, Poetic Terrorism" Hakim Bey Autonomedia, Brooklyn,
NY (1991)
- MONDO 2000 User's Guide to the New Edge"
Rudy Rucker, R. U. Sirius & Queen Mu, Eds HarperPerennial (1992)
- "The Interrelationship Between Mind
and Matter" Beverly Rubik Center for Frontier Science, Temple University
- "Life at the Edge of Science" Beverly Rubik Institute for
Frontier Science (1996)
- "The Art of Sexing Quartz" Jabir
'abd al-Khaliq High Frontiers Reality Hackers Newsletter Vol 1 #2 (1987)
- "Hyperspace Crystallography"
Saul-Paul Sirag (work in progress)
- "The Minds of Robots" James T.
Culbertson University of Illinois Press,Urbana (1963)
- "Mavericks of the Mind: Conversations
for the New Millenium" David Jay Brown & Rebecca McClen Novick
Crossing Press, Freedom, CA (1993)
- "Voices from the Edge" David
Jay Brown & Rebecca McClen Novick Crossing Press, Freedom, CA (1995)