For The Heart


A smile crosses her countenance
Born of innocence
And in that smile I find my heart
Just a smile, only just a smile
And the world is transformed
She, with her goddess energy, enhances
My world
Enchants my essence with her beauty
Her spirit emblazons the mediocrity of the day
Bringing to it a new vitality.

She smiles
Her spirituality radiating from within
Her beauty caressing her face
Tenderly, so very sweetly she brings to me
That defining moment
The moment which every soul recognizes as it washes over them
In waves of soft mellifluous longing
Her smile is for the heart
For she, in her peerless beauty,
Touches that source of spirit that resides in us all
And, while for the heart,
Provides sustenance for our spirit as well.
She smiles
In her innocence
And the goddess emerges
To disperse her message of love
Unknowingly knowing
To those in her circle
She simply smiles
And it is for my heart
In virtuous innocence
She smiles
I deliquesce
In the depths of limitless possibility
She smiles
And it is for the heart.



Copyright © 1997 by Steve Soskin All rights reserved.