On The Birth of My Goddess

On that day of joy the sun rose early
For he knew that you would be coming unto his child, Earth.
The spring flowers bloomed early that year
Peeking their multi-colored heads
Out from winter’s pall.
They knew that you would be coming that day
You, daughter of the flowers, would bloom
Upon the land that day.

A quiet stillness pervaded that day
A kind of reverence for all living things could be observed.
You would be coming that day
A new life, a beautiful life,
An exciting life
To heal the hurts of the world.

Suddenly, arrival, Your infant cries echoing the cries
Of all the new-born beings of the planet.
Revelation was wrought at that moment
Your birth, heralding the arrival of
my Goddess.

And fate intervened, weaving her spell,
Intertwining our lives
After first allowing us mistakes
And life, allowing us maturity.
And at that precious moment of our first kiss,
Fate abandoned us,
Leaving us on our own
To love.

My Goddess, you were created of beauty
Your sparkling bright eyes as two orbs
Of liquid jewels
Your face inspiring countless words of love
Your body creating infinite thoughts
Of love.
But words and thoughts matter not
For words and thoughts are not enough,
Will never be enough
To express my love for you.

O’ sweet child of nature
To love you is a privilege
Granted me by heaven.
You are indeed a chosen one
Someone special, a being who can love
And accept love, honestly.

On this day, your birth day
I can only wish you all of the goodness you have brought to me.
The greatest gift I can ever hope to give you
Is the sharing of my soul,
The sharing of my feelings
For with them you will be able to overcome
Any obstacle
That life must offer.

And together we will face life
Sharing feelings
Most importantly

That my Goddess is a living, breathing soul
Is a fact undeniable.
An alive being, vibrant
Her every movement showing her love for life
Her being changing, moment by moment
Reflecting life’s many facets
With her every movement.

The mind of my Goddess is wondrous
Filled with those unselfish thoughts that one must have
To live life to its fullest
To share with me her innermost soul.

Fantasies abound in life,
But you, my Goddess are real.
Others may be untrue to themselves
But that is not you
For by being true to yourself
So, my Goddess,
Do you show your inner beauty.

As the sun’s rays nourish the earth
So do you enrich me
With your kindness, your beauty, your totality.
Rays of goodness emanating from the innermost reaches
Of your soul.

And now, my Goddess, we must look to
The future
What must it hold for us, two people
Perfectly in love
The stars will shed their cool blue light
Illuminating the heavens
But only we can shed light on the future.
The future is ours to make
A blank page, as yet unwritten
But together we can inscribe
A love
Forever to be known
And idolized.

But sleep, infant of the universe,
For tomorrow will begin soon
New experience blossoming forth,
New facets of life to be explored.

So sleep, my Goddess
To prepare thyself for our future
A new future, a bright future.

And as this, the day of your birth comes to an end
Allow me the privilege, no, the blessing of saying
To you
Happy birth day, Goddess
You are love.

Copyright © 1997 by Steve Soskin All rights reserved.