Brussels sprouts photo album

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coastal bluffs where sprouts are grown parker the wolf dog - guarding the shed Cup packing line Brussels sprouts being deleafed before harvesting Field of Rowena Brussels sprouts nearing harvest
close up of Rowena sprout plant close up of sprout plant after leaves cut off just prior to harvest close up of stripping head - sprout plant is drawn through spinning knives plant going through stripper - note sprouts falling to conveyor below Parker howling for a treat
worker readies plant to enter stripping head plants piled high on harvester for workers to push through strippers forced air cooling room where sprouts are cooled prior to packing cleaning line where sprouts go through final cleaning prior to packing primary field cleaning line where sprouts are cleaned and sized
Bontadelli Harvester side shot front view of Bontadelli harvester - workers feed plants onto machine where the sprouts are stripped off rear view of harvester and bin trailers being filled field cleaning line where workers remove sprouts with defects view of sprout field - harvester in background near ocean, foreground is field that has already been harvested and disced
Kerian sizer where sprouts are mechanically sized for uniformity in packing roller table which separates stem material from sprouts before entering field cleaning line automatic box filler at end of packing line ice is scooped on top of filled box of sprouts prior to closing and shipping another picture of coastal bluffs where sprouts are grown north of Santa Cruz